Our mission
Exene helps insurance organizations and their groups manage reinsurance techniques to achieve their strategic, risk and capital management objectives. Exene contributes to the operational excellence of the reinsurance function within insurance organizations.
Our approach
Functional specialization, global impact
Exene is a consultancy specialising in reinsurance issues. We believe in specialization.
Specialization facilitates the complete understanding of our clients' issues. It also brings in superior expertise, experience and relevant analysis. We deploy specialization within a strong culture of the insurance industry, risk management and process management.
Reinsurance issues often reveal direct insurance or corporate-wide issues. The effort spent on reinsurance issues has an impact on the insurance company globally, and reinforces its operational integrity, the effectiveness of its business and financial model and its overall performance.
Collaborative mind-set
Our approach is collaborative. We believe that this is necessary for real commitment in our input, leading to a long-term impact.
We often have long-term relationships with our clients and are familiar with their business model, organization and operations. We communicate at all levels of the client's organization. We sure that knowledge transfer to the client is effective.
Exene routinely analyses the regulatory and market contexts of both reinsurance and the direct insurance environment. We identify the best market practices. We continuously develop our own quantitative and qualitative methods.
We frequently take time to familiarize ourselves with the systems and methods used by the client and extend their application to reinsurance to preserve their integrity and uniformity across the organization.
The firm
Exene was set up in 2009. It is fully owned by its founder Nicolas Silvin.
Nicolas Silvin
Mail : nicolas.silvin@exeneconsulting.com
Tel. : +33 (0)6 85 86 89 91
Nicolas is a qualified actuary member of the French Institut des Actuaires, and has headed Exene since he founded it in 2009. He graduated from the ISFA School of Actuaries in Lyon in 1995.
His career path since 1995 has included periods in the Life reinsurance industry, actuarial consulting to (re)insurance companies and the direct insurance industry. He has worked in the French market since 2002, and prior to that abroad in several regulatory and linguistic areas.
2009 Exene: founder and owner
2007 Scor Global Life (Revios acquisition), Paris: Global Partner, Senior Treaty Underwriter French market
2004 Revios, Paris: Head of French market, corporate officer for French branch
2002 SwissLife, Paris: IAS reporting actuary, including M&A project
2001 Ernst & Young (Life Actuarial Practice), London: supervisor
1997 SwissRe (div.Life&Health), Zurich: Marketing actuary, Chilean market (2000: Sydney, Australian market)
1995 MMA, Santiago : Life and P&C actuary for the two Chilean subsidiaries